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Cell Phone Faceplates
What does your cell phone say about you? Cell phone faceplates help personalize your phone. They are right up there, with wallpapers and ringtones, as hot fashion trends. But they also have one other very clever benefit; they may hide or prevent minor cracks and chips to your cell phone case. [MORE...]
Coveroo's line of custom replacement cell phone covers includes officially licensed artwork for major entertainment character brands such as Captain America, Spiderman, The Hulk, Thor, and Wolverine, as well as the National Basketball Association (NBA).
Fans can choose from all 30 NBA team logos and current NBA superstars when creating a sporty Coveroo.
In creating the custom replacement covers for cell phones, Coveroo's unique HighColor process yields stunning imagery with over 65,000 colors that won't fade, rub off, peel, or collect dust.
Technology by SkinIt is kicking the cell phone faceplates trend into high gear. SkinIt provides on-demand and custom personalization of mobile electronic devices.
Showing off your individual style just got easier - with another trendy option for mobile phone faceplates. Printz custom cell phone skins will let you display your favorite photographs, art or designs on the outside of your phone.
Personalization of mobile phone faceplates has never been easier. Looking to make a fashion statement or just reflecting your mood or the occasion, quite likely there's a mobile phone faceplate for you. They come in various colors, shapes and sizes for many cell phones.
A new technology is kicking the cell phone faceplates trend into high gear. Skinit provides on-demand and custom personalization of mobile electronic devices.
Using Skinit, you can change the appearance of your cell phone's outside casing. Through Skinit's web site, you either upload your own images or select from pre-designed skins. Your custom skins are then printed, cut to fit the selected mobile device and shipped direct to you.
According to Skinit Inc., available skin designs reflect professional sports leagues or players (MLB, MLS, NBA, NHL), college logos, Greek letters, movie or music brands (like AC/DC, Rolling Stones), cartoon and comic characters (like Looney Tunes), world flags, models, or fashion style.
The Skinit skin is made from professional-grade vinyl, printed through a six-color process. The removeable vinyl skin provides cell phones with a protective layer of safety from scratches and other damage.
Showing off your individual style just got easier. A new service for mobile phone faceplates will let you display your favorite photographs, art or designs on the outside of your phone.
Printz Cell Phone Skins are new customizable cell phone covers or "skins" that convert an otherwise plain wireless phone into a personal expression of style, according to the manufacturer.
The customizable white vinyl adhesives come in a pack of three, available at Best Buy. After purchasing, users can visit to design the "skin" from their home computers. Users may download their own photography or choose from more than 500 pre-set images.
Here are some ideas for giving your cell phone a makeover. Faceplates let your cell phone do the talking - about your style. But they also have one other very clever benefit; they can serve as covers to hide minor cracks and chips to your cell phone case.
Because faceplates are actually covers for your cell phone, they are not just personalization tools but also a good way to cover up minor scratches on your cell phone casing. It is a low-cost solution that might actually make your mobile phone as good as new.
But are you looking to make a fashion statement? Quite likely there's a cell phone faceplate for you. They come in various colors, shapes and sizes for many cell phones.
For example, if you own a Nokia 3650 cell phone, the NOKIA 3650 Transparent Aqua water faceplates might be for you. This is just one of many styles, themes and colors of Nokia faceplates or covers.
If you are a gamer with an N-Gage phone, you might want to dress up your game console with a NOKIA N-Gage Faux Cherry Wood Faceplate, for example.
Some consumers actually own several cell phone faceplates so they can be changed to match the occasion or mood.