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Cell Phone Ringtones
Cell phone ringtones have just about replaced the old "ring-ring" sound that once announced incoming calls. As mobile infotainment trends heat up, your ringtone can be almost any sound you want it to be. [MORE...]
Available cell phone ringtones cover a wide range of themes, tastes, media and quality. Sometimes you are limited by your cell phone's audio capabilities.
If you really want to get creative, you can make your own ringtones with inexpensive personal computer software. Making your very own is a real alternative to downloading cell phone ringers and there's Windows computer software to help you along.
If you are not up to making your own cell phone ringtones, there are tons of ringtones just waiting to be downloaded or sent over the air to your mobile phone. Vuvuzela | Wildlife | Grateful Dead
Various options for cell phone ringtones are emerging. For example, Sprint's ToneMaker DJ service allows customers to create original Music Tones right on their phones.
Free ringtones have become rather popular as marketing tools and promotional giveaways, and there isn't always a catch. Mobile phone ringtones for free are just a quick and entertaining way to get the word out, musically or otherwise.
Cell phone ringtones are not just about mobile entertainment. There's a functional side to ringtones.
Generally, the latest mobile phones come with a base set of ringtones, allowing you to customize your phone. But how you personalize your ringtones could make all the difference in how well you maximize their potential value.
For example, you might use one ringtone for incoming calls and another to alert you to incoming text messages. You can even use separate tones to announce calls from different people or categories in your phone book. For example, here's how to define a ringtone for a contact on Nokia phones.
Additional ringtones are usually available from your carrier service or phone manufacturer either free or for purchase. The cell phone ringtones are downloaded from a web site or sent to your phone over the air.
Available cell phone ringtones cover a wide range of themes, tastes, media and quality. Sometimes you are limited by your cell phone's audio capabilities.
What are monophonic ringtones? These are ringtones that play only one sound note at a time. Monophonic tones are on the low end of the scale.
On the other hand, polyphonic ringtones play more than one note at a time and sound more like recorded music.
Real Tones are newer, allowing you to personalize your phone with recordings of real sounds or sound effects.
If you really want to get creative, you can make your own ringtones with inexpensive personal computer software. Making your very own is a real alternative to downloading cell phone ringers and there's Windows computer software to help you along. Check these out:
With these low-cost software packages, you can make as many cell phone ringtones as you like. Try recording your own voice for a really personalized ringtone.
If you are not up to making your own mobile phone ringtones, there are tons of amusing ringtones just waiting to be downloaded or sent over the air to your phone.
From polyphonic ringtones or MP3 ringtones to specific ringtones for a wide range of carriers such as Roger Wireless, T-Mobile or AT&T, the coolest cell phone ringtones are easy to come by.
If you just can't get enough of the Vuvuzela horn from the 2010 World Cup Soccer events in South Africa, there's a free ringtone for that. Thanks to AppTech Corp., the buzzing sound of the Vuvuzela will live on long after the thrilling soccer games.
Said AppTech VP Sean Connolly: "We invite world football (soccer) fans throughout the world to download a Vuvuzela ringtone and recreate the noise that will forever be associated with the 2010 World Cup Games."
Mobile phone ringtones have gone wild, as in ape wild. If that got your attention, it's just what the Center for Biological Diversity was hoping. The non-profit center is letting you download free ringtones to help educate people about rare and endangered wildlife.
What happened when investigator Danny Messer's cell phone rang to the tune of "Talk" by Grammy Award-winning band Coldplay? You'd know if you watched the late November 2005 episode as television, music and cell phones linked up on CSI: NY - the one-hour TV drama series.
The cell phone ringtone for Entourage, the single by chart-topping R&B superstar Omarion, is available along with a ton of other Real Ringtones from Jamster.
Film director David Lynch's cell phone ringtones include selections from his Dumbland animation series, sound effects from ERASERHEAD, a sampling of his original music, and some of his favorite sayings.
From "Casey Jones" to "Touch of Grey," the Dead ringers sites offer a large collection of ringtones based on classic Grateful Dead songs.
"Fans of the Grateful Dead come in all shapes, sizes and ages. They are known for their devotion, as well as their thirst for knowledge and products related to one of the most ground-breaking music groups of the 20th century," said Don Harris, CEO of AIRMEDIA.
Various options for cell phone ringtones are emerging. For example, services such as ToneMaker DJ allow customers to create original Music Tones right on their phones.
From ToneMaker DJ's library of thousands of stylish and interchangeable music parts, customers can produce and save their own personal Music Tones for use on their cell phones.
In addition, the application's "DJ Lounge" community allows the best ringers to gain recognition, be heard and even purchased by the application's subscribers.
To create custom ringers, customers can use different mixing methods or modes, offered by the application. With "Step Mode," sounds for the Drum, Bass, Rhythm and Lead tracks are chosen in order, and a Music Tone is built piece by piece.
With "Jam Mode," the user begins with a complete Music Tone and can swap sounds in and out at will. In "Auto Mode," you only have to press a button and a unique Music Tone is generated just for you.
In each mode, you choose sounds from the application's sound library, which is organized by style, including HipHop, Rock, Funk, Electronic and Dancehall.
Similar to Tonemaker DJ is Myxer which lets you upload image and music files and create your own wallpaper and mobile phone ringtones.